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Complete 5 Step Guide to Install Asphalt Driveway


A driveway is a private residential road regarded as part of an individual’s property. Its main function is connecting the residential house with the main road outside the property. It is supposed to provide easy access for the passage of vehicles, and that might also lead to a garage also. 

Significance of maintenance of residential driveway

The driveway is the initial part of the property that an individual witnesses, and it should be constructed to leave a lasting impression on anyone who initially witnesses it. 

A poorly constructed driveway will put out a very negative impression and speak about the homeowner’s ability to maintain the property. The timely driveway maintenance is as significant as the remainder of the property, as the effects of weather and climatic conditions can take their toll on the road.

Persistent rain can weaken the integrity and strength of the concrete or cement, causing it to become prone to cracks and deterioration. You should prevent water from stagnating for an extended period. The snow can also have some hazardous effects on your driveway.

The snow tends to seep into the cement or concrete when it melts. When the temperature again drops, the water in the cervices and the minor cracks of the material tend to contract and expand, enlarging the gaps and further causing damage to the driveway.  

The maintenance of driveways is very significant; however, this can be mitigated with proper construction, using suitable materials, and hiring the right individuals to execute the task effectively.

Steps to successfully install an asphalt driveway

Step 1 – Effective planning

Before laying the asphalt or making preparations for the asphalt driveway installation, you devise a concrete plan that covers the different steps of the project ahead. 

The Asphalt Driveway installation is more complex, and there are multiple ways that the project may go wrong due to minor lapses. Therefore, one must devise a plan and act accordingly.

Step 2 – Preparing the site and laying down the foundation for success

The meticulous preparation of the site is significant and involves the following steps:

  • Clearing the area: any existing construction or debris on the construction site should be adequately cleaned before you install the Asphalt Driveway.
  • Excavating the construction site: According to the plan, the required depth and driveway dimensions should be marked and excavated. This is typically around 8 to 12 inches. The representative of a competent Asphalt paving services provider will also ensure that the mined land is as level as possible.
  • Proper Drainage: This is a very essential step. The drainage should be done correctly with a system that allows the flow of water and makes sure that there is no stagnant water on the asphalt driveway. A crucial part of drainage is making small canals on the side of the driveway and constructing the driveway on a slight slope to prevent the water from staying in one place.

The grading of the driveway is equally essential, preventing the water from staying in the center of the driveway.

  • Compacting the subgrade: Compacting the subgrade means making a solid foundation, and different tools can be used to do this, like the vibrating plate compactor, which will be available with your designated asphalt paving services provider.

Step 3 – Building the strength from the foundation by installing the sub-base

The sub-base is the plain where the asphalt is to be poured. It should be flat and have adequate integrity to accommodate the weight of the asphalt. For this, your construction individuals will add a well-graded aggregate to the compacted subgrade, providing the required support and preventing the settling of the asphalt driveway.

Additionally, the compactor is also used in this step to ensure that the aggregate level is level throughout and that the base layer for the asphalt is stable.

Step 4 –Application of the binder course

The binder course is applied, which is often added before we install the Asphalt Driveway, as it acts as the base layer for the asphalt. It is evenly spread out through the designated using machinery or tools to ensure that no place is left undone. 

It is essential that it spread across evenly as it will ensure that the entire driveway is level; otherwise, there will be bumps on the road, and the whole driveway will need to be redone. The binder course is smoothened out using a roller and is consistently applied until the optimal smoothness is acquired. 

Step 5 – Application of the surface course

The surface layer is at last applied using heavy machinery. It is the thick black mixture that we call asphalt, and great care is required in this part as any negligence can leave permanent damage, or even inquiries to the labor is also possible. 

Lastly, the rollers are run on where the asphalt is applied to compact everything that holds well and maintains its shape. A few final steps include the following:

  • Sealcoating: sealcoating is regarded as something optional and not completely necessary, but it extensively elongates the longevity of the asphalt driveway and enables it to hold up more effectively. The seal coating is also essential in preventing significant damage inflicted by extreme weather conditions.
  • Curing time: after the seal coating, the asphalt is not yet ready to use. There is a curing time involved that completes the entire procedure. This time is very significant as it allows the asphalt to settle down and become hard enough to bear the heavy weight of the traffic. The curing time also allows the adhesive in the asphalt to dry up.

The processes mentioned above conclude the asphalt driveway installation process.


You will become an expert in installing asphalt driveways by following this thorough 5-step instruction, providing the groundwork for a long-lasting, seamless, and aesthetically pleasing addition to your home. As you set out on this trip, remember that maintaining the lifespan and caliber of your asphalt driveway depends on paying close attention to detail at every junction.

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